codeforces #333 div 2 D. Lipshitz Sequence 题意:见题目描述。 思路:我们很容易发现,l[h]函数其实就是在求区间斜率的最大值。哦不对,是斜率的绝对值的最大值。而且一个显而易见的结论是,斜率最大值一定是由相邻的点得到。画图可以很容易看出。


In order to prove it properly, we'll consider three numbers A__i, A__j, A__k (i < j < k) and show that one of the numbers _L_1(i, j),_L_1(j, k) is  ≥ _L_1(i, k). W.l.o.g., we may assume A__i ≤ A__k. There are 3 cases depending on the position of A__j relative to A__i, A__k:

  * _A__j_ > _A__i_, _A__k_ — we can see that _L_1(_i_, _j_) > _L_1(_i_, _k_), since |_A__j_ - _A__i_| = _A__j_ - _A__i_ > _A__k_ - _A__i_ = |_A__k_ - _A__i_| and _j_ - _i_ < _k_ - _i_; we just need to divide those inequalities
  * _A__j_ < _A__i_, _A__k_ — this is similar to the previous case, we can prove that _L_1(_j_, _k_) > _L_1(_i_, _k_) in the same way
  * _A__i_ ≤ _A__j_ ≤ _A__k_ — this case requires more work:

    * we'll denote _d_1_y_ = _A__j_ - _A__i_, _d_2_y_ = _A__k_ - _A__j_, _d_1_x_ = _j_ - _i_, _d_2_x_ = _k_ - _j_

    * then, _L_1(_i_, _j_) = _d_1_y_ / _d_1_x_, _L_1(_j_, _k_) = _d_2_y_ / _d_2_x_, _L_1(_i_, _k_) = (_d_1_y_ + _d_2_y_) / (_d_1_x_ + _d_2_x_)

    * let's prove it by contradiction: assume that _L_1(_i_, _j_), _L_1(_j_, _k_) < _L_1(_i_, _k_)

    * _d_1_y_ + _d_2_y_ = _L_1(_i_, _j_)_d_1_x_ + _L_1(_j_, _k_)_d_2_x_ < _L_1(_i_, _k_)_d_1_x_ + _L_1(_i_, _k_)_d_2_x_ = _L_1(_i_, _k_)(_d_1_x_ + _d_2_x_) = _d_1_y_ + _d_2_y_, which is a contradiction

We've just proved that to any _L_1 computed for two elements A[i], A[k] with k > i + 1, we can replace one of i, j by a point _j_between them without decreasing _L_1; a sufficient amount of such operations will give us k = i + 1. Therefore, the max. _L_1can be found by only considering differences between adjacent points.



比如3 4 3 8 2 7 1,对于8,左边可以到达3,与8的距离为3,右边可以到达1,与8的距离为3,那么8对答案的贡献为(3+1)*(3+1)8,也就是说一共有44个区间的最大值为8.对于7,左边可以到2,距离7为1,右边可以到1,距离7长度为1,那么7对答案的贡献就是(1+1)×(1+1)*7,也就是有4个区间的最大值为7.分别为{2},{2,7},{7,1},{2,7,1}


/* ***********************************************
Author :111qqz
Created Time :2015年12月22日 星期二 22时58分35秒
File Name :code/cf/#333/D.cpp
************************************************ */

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#define fst first
#define sec second
#define lson l,m,rt<<1
#define rson m+1,r,rt<<1|1
#define ms(a,x) memset(a,x,sizeof(a))
typedef long long LL;
#define pi pair < int ,int >
#define MP make_pair
#define left lllllxy
#define right rrrrrxy
using namespace std;
const double eps = 1E-8;
const int dx4[4]={1,0,0,-1};
const int dy4[4]={0,-1,1,0};
const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int N=1E5+7;
int n ; 
int q;
LL a[N],b[N];
int left[N];
int right[N];
int main()
	#ifndef  ONLINE_JUDGE 

	for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)
	for ( int i = 2 ;i  <= n ; i++)
	    b[i] = abs(a[i]-a[i-1]);

	while (q--)
	    int l,r;
	    scanf("%d %d",&l,&r);

	    for ( int i = l ; i <= r ; i++)        //以b[i]为最大值,最左能到达多远。
		left[i] = i ;
		while (left[i]>l&&b[i]>b[left[i]-1])
		    left[i] = left[left[i]-1];
	    for ( int i = r ; i >= l ; i--)         //最右能到达多远。
		right[i] = i;
		while (right[i] < r &&b[i]>=b[right[i]+1])
		    right[i] = right[right[i] + 1];
	    LL ans= 0 ;
	    for ( int i = l ; i <= r ; i++)
		ans +=(LL)(right[i]-i+1)*(LL)(i-left[i]+1)*b[i];


  #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE  
    return 0;