geekok project0(上)(实验环境的搭建)
apt-get install build-essential apt-get install bochs bochs-x nasm
failed assertion in init_idt :g_handlersizenoterr == g_handlersizeerr
下载geekos-0.3软件包,地址为: geekOS下载地址
然后进入到 /work/geekos-0.3.0/src/project0/build 目录下
rkz2013@111qqz-ThinkPad-X200 ~/work/geekos-0.3.0/src/project0/build $ make depend
Makefile:249: depend.mak: 没有那个文件或目录
touch depend.mak
gcc -M -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include \
../src/geekos/idt.c ../src/geekos/int.c ../src/geekos/trap.c ../src/geekos/irq.c ../src/geekos/io.c ../src/geekos/keyboard.c ../src/geekos/screen.c ../src/geekos/timer.c ../src/geekos/mem.c ../src/geekos/crc32.c ../src/geekos/gdt.c ../src/geekos/tss.c ../src/geekos/segment.c ../src/geekos/bget.c ../src/geekos/malloc.c ../src/geekos/synch.c ../src/geekos/kthread.c ../src/geekos/main.c \
| perl -n -e 's,^(\S),geekos/$1,;print' \
> depend.mak
gcc -M -O -Wall -Werror -I../include -I../include/libc \
../src/common/fmtout.c ../src/common/string.c ../src/common/memmove.c \
| perl -n -e 's,^(\S),common/$1,;print' \
>> depend.mak
然后执行 make
rkz2013@111qqz-ThinkPad-X200 ~/work/geekos-0.3.0/src/project0/build $ make
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/idt.c -o geekos/idt.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/int.c -o geekos/int.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/trap.c -o geekos/trap.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/irq.c -o geekos/irq.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/io.c -o geekos/io.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/keyboard.c -o geekos/keyboard.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/screen.c -o geekos/screen.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/timer.c -o geekos/timer.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/mem.c -o geekos/mem.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/crc32.c -o geekos/crc32.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -Werror -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/gdt.c -o geekos/gdt.o
In file included from ../src/geekos/gdt.c:11:0:
../include/geekos/segment.h:43:5: error: ‘packed’ attribute ignored for field of type ‘uchar_t’ [-Werror=attributes]
uchar_t baseHigh PACKED ;
cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
make: *** [geekos/gdt.o] 错误 1
makefile 的路径就是当前路径,也就是:
rkz2013@111qqz-ThinkPad-X200 ~/work/geekos-0.3.0/src/project0/build $ vim Makefile
把149行的 -Werror 去掉。
rkz2013@111qqz-ThinkPad-X200 ~/work/geekos-0.3.0/src/project0/build $ make
gcc -c -O -Wall -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/gdt.c -o geekos/gdt.o
In file included from ../src/geekos/gdt.c:11:0:
../include/geekos/segment.h:43:5: warning: ‘packed’ attribute ignored for field of type ‘uchar_t’ [-Wattributes]
uchar_t baseHigh PACKED ;
gcc -c -O -Wall -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/tss.c -o geekos/tss.o
In file included from ../src/geekos/tss.c:18:0:
../include/geekos/segment.h:43:5: warning: ‘packed’ attribute ignored for field of type ‘uchar_t’ [-Wattributes]
uchar_t baseHigh PACKED ;
gcc -c -O -Wall -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/segment.c -o geekos/segment.o
In file included from ../src/geekos/segment.c:18:0:
../include/geekos/segment.h:43:5: warning: ‘packed’ attribute ignored for field of type ‘uchar_t’ [-Wattributes]
uchar_t baseHigh PACKED ;
gcc -c -O -Wall -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/bget.c -o geekos/bget.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/malloc.c -o geekos/malloc.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/synch.c -o geekos/synch.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/kthread.c -o geekos/kthread.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/main.c -o geekos/main.o
nasm -I../src/geekos/ -f elf ../src/geekos/lowlevel.asm -o geekos/lowlevel.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -I../include -I../include/libc ../src/common/fmtout.c -o common/fmtout.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -I../include -I../include/libc ../src/common/string.c -o common/string.o
gcc -c -O -Wall -I../include -I../include/libc ../src/common/memmove.c -o common/memmove.o
ld -o geekos/kernel.exe -Ttext 0x00010000 -e Main \
geekos/idt.o geekos/int.o geekos/trap.o geekos/irq.o geekos/io.o geekos/keyboard.o geekos/screen.o geekos/timer.o geekos/mem.o geekos/crc32.o geekos/gdt.o geekos/tss.o geekos/segment.o geekos/bget.o geekos/malloc.o geekos/synch.o geekos/kthread.o geekos/main.o geekos/lowlevel.o common/fmtout.o common/string.o common/memmove.o
ld: i386 architecture of input file `geekos/lowlevel.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output
make: *** [geekos/kernel.exe] 错误 1
然后把makefile文件中的100行至109行修改为如下内容 (修改了100行,106行,109行,条件编译什么的。。可能遇到依赖的库不全的情况。。。安装就好)
100 TARGET_CC := $(TARGET_CC_PREFIX)gcc -m32
102 # Host C compiler. This is used to compile programs to execute on
103 # the host platform, not the target (x86) platform. On x86/ELF
104 # systems, such as Linux and FreeBSD, it can generally be the same
105 # as the target C compiler.
106 HOST_CC := gcc -m32
108 # Target linker. GNU ld is probably to only one that will work.
109 TARGET_LD := $(TARGET_CC_PREFIX)ld -m elf_i386
rkz2013@111qqz-ThinkPad-X200 ~/work/geekos-0.3.0/src/project0/build $ make clean
for d in geekos common libc user tools; do \
(cd $d && rm -f *); \
rkz2013@111qqz-ThinkPad-X200 ~/work/geekos-0.3.0/src/project0/build $ make depend
gcc -m32 -M -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include \
../src/geekos/idt.c ../src/geekos/int.c ../src/geekos/trap.c ../src/geekos/irq.c ../src/geekos/io.c ../src/geekos/keyboard.c ../src/geekos/screen.c ../src/geekos/timer.c ../src/geekos/mem.c ../src/geekos/crc32.c ../src/geekos/gdt.c ../src/geekos/tss.c ../src/geekos/segment.c ../src/geekos/bget.c ../src/geekos/malloc.c ../src/geekos/synch.c ../src/geekos/kthread.c ../src/geekos/main.c \
| perl -n -e 's,^(\S),geekos/$1,;print' \
> depend.mak
gcc -m32 -M -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -I../include -I../include/libc \
../src/common/fmtout.c ../src/common/string.c ../src/common/memmove.c \
| perl -n -e 's,^(\S),common/$1,;print' \
>> depend.mak
rkz2013@111qqz-ThinkPad-X200 ~/work/geekos-0.3.0/src/project0/build $ make
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/idt.c -o geekos/idt.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/int.c -o geekos/int.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/trap.c -o geekos/trap.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/irq.c -o geekos/irq.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/io.c -o geekos/io.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/keyboard.c -o geekos/keyboard.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/screen.c -o geekos/screen.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/timer.c -o geekos/timer.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/mem.c -o geekos/mem.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/crc32.c -o geekos/crc32.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/gdt.c -o geekos/gdt.o
In file included from ../src/geekos/gdt.c:11:0:
../include/geekos/segment.h:43:5: warning: ‘packed’ attribute ignored for field of type ‘uchar_t’ [-Wattributes]
uchar_t baseHigh PACKED ;
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/tss.c -o geekos/tss.o
In file included from ../src/geekos/tss.c:18:0:
../include/geekos/segment.h:43:5: warning: ‘packed’ attribute ignored for field of type ‘uchar_t’ [-Wattributes]
uchar_t baseHigh PACKED ;
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/segment.c -o geekos/segment.o
In file included from ../src/geekos/segment.c:18:0:
../include/geekos/segment.h:43:5: warning: ‘packed’ attribute ignored for field of type ‘uchar_t’ [-Wattributes]
uchar_t baseHigh PACKED ;
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/bget.c -o geekos/bget.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/malloc.c -o geekos/malloc.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/synch.c -o geekos/synch.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/kthread.c -o geekos/kthread.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -g -DGEEKOS -I../include ../src/geekos/main.c -o geekos/main.o
nasm -I../src/geekos/ -f elf ../src/geekos/lowlevel.asm -o geekos/lowlevel.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -I../include -I../include/libc ../src/common/fmtout.c -o common/fmtout.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -I../include -I../include/libc ../src/common/string.c -o common/string.o
gcc -m32 -c -O -Wall -fno-stack-protector -I../include -I../include/libc ../src/common/memmove.c -o common/memmove.o
ld -m elf_i386 -o geekos/kernel.exe -Ttext 0x00010000 -e Main \
geekos/idt.o geekos/int.o geekos/trap.o geekos/irq.o geekos/io.o geekos/keyboard.o geekos/screen.o geekos/timer.o geekos/mem.o geekos/crc32.o geekos/gdt.o geekos/tss.o geekos/segment.o geekos/bget.o geekos/malloc.o geekos/synch.o geekos/kthread.o geekos/main.o geekos/lowlevel.o common/fmtout.o common/string.o common/memmove.o
nm geekos/kernel.exe > geekos/kernel.syms
nasm -f bin \
-I../src/geekos/ \
-DENTRY_POINT=0x`egrep 'Main$' geekos/kernel.syms |awk '{print $1}'` \
../src/geekos/setup.asm \
-o geekos/setup.bin
perl ../scripts/pad geekos/setup.bin 512
objcopy -R .dynamic -R .note -R .comment -S -O binary geekos/kernel.exe geekos/kernel.bin
perl ../scripts/pad geekos/kernel.bin 512
nasm -f bin \
-I../src/geekos/ \
-DNUM_SETUP_SECTORS=`perl ../scripts/numsecs geekos/setup.bin` \
-DNUM_KERN_SECTORS=`perl ../scripts/numsecs geekos/kernel.bin` \
../src/geekos/fd_boot.asm \
-o geekos/fd_boot.bin
cat geekos/fd_boot.bin geekos/setup.bin geekos/kernel.bin > fd.img
编译成功。。。 检查一下:
rkz2013@111qqz-ThinkPad-X200 ~/work/geekos-0.3.0/src/project0/build $ ls -a
. .. .bochsrc common depend.mak fd.img geekos libc Makefile tools user
rkz2013@111qqz-ThinkPad-X200 ~/work/geekos-0.3.0/src/project0/build $ bochs
Bochs x86 Emulator 2.4.6
Build from CVS snapshot, on February 22, 2011
Compiled at Jun 8 2013, 05:16:04
00000000000i[ ] LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH not set. using compile time default '/usr/lib/bochs/plugins'
00000000000i[ ] BXSHARE not set. using compile time default '/usr/share/bochs'
00000000000i[ ] reading configuration from .bochsrc
00000000000p[ ] >>PANIC<< .bochsrc:4: vgaromimage directive malformed.
00000000000e[CTRL ] notify called, but no bxevent_callback function is registered
00000000000i[CTRL ] quit_sim called with exit code 1
因为配置文件.bochsrc 太古老了。。。路径什么的都是错的。。。
# An example .bochsrc file.
# You will need to edit these lines to reflect your system.
vgaromimage: file=/usr/share/vgabios/vgabios.bin
romimage: file=/usr/share/bochs/BIOS-bochs-latest
megs: 8
boot: a
floppya: 1_44=fd.img, status=inserted
#floppya: 1_44=fd_aug.img, status=inserted
log: ./bochs.out
keyboard_serial_delay: 200
vga_update_interval: 300000
mouse: enabled=0
private_colormap: enabled=0
i440fxsupport: enabled=0
# Uncomment this to write all bochs debugging messages to
# bochs.out. This produces a lot of output, but can be very
# useful for debugging the kernel.
#debug: action=report
Bochs x86 Emulator 2.4.6
Build from CVS snapshot, on February 22, 2011
Compiled at Jun 8 2013, 05:16:04
00000000000i[ ] LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH not set. using compile time default '/usr/lib/bochs/plugins'
00000000000i[ ] BXSHARE not set. using compile time default '/usr/share/bochs'
00000000000i[ ] reading configuration from .bochsrc
00000000000i[ ] lt_dlhandle is 0x2668a40
00000000000i[PLGIN] loaded plugin
00000000000i[ ] installing x module as the Bochs GUI
00000000000i[ ] using log file ./bochs.out
bochs-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/bochs/plugins/ undefined symbol: XpmCreatePixmapFromData
这是由apt-get install bochs-x 得到的 libbx_x.so不完善造成的 解决办法: 换个显示方案。
sudo apt-get install bochs-sdl
display_library: sdl
再次运行bochs 。。终于可以了。。。感动