install galliumOS on chromebook with chrx

我的chromebook 是 samsung 3

查阅Hardware Compatibility 可以知道我的cb支持 gallium,对应的cpu 是Intel Braswell

然后去galliumos 官网 下载相应版本。  (发现这种做法并不需要自己下载。。。)

安装 galliumOS大体有两种方法,一种是完全去掉chromeOS,这种方法需要需要拆机去除写保护。。。我嫌麻烦。。。于是打算另一种,使用chrx 


  1. Enable [Developer Mode]( (process is model-specific; for Acer C720, press `ESC+F3(Refresh)+Power`), then reboot
  2. Load ChromeOS by pressing `CTRL+D` at the white "OS verification is OFF" screen
  3. Configure your Wi-Fi network if necessary, then log in (Guest account is fine)
  4. Open the ChromeOS Terminal by pressing `CTRL+ALT+T`, and enter `shell` at the prompt
  5. Update firmware, if necessary (_required_ for Bay Trail and Braswell models, _recommended_ for Broadwell and Skylake models, _optional_ for Haswell models -- see [chromebooks](
  6. Run **chrx**: `cd ; curl -Os && sh go` (see [options](
  7. Follow on-screen instructions to prepare your Chromebook for installation
  8. Reboot, then repeat steps 2-4 and 6 to install and configure your new system

对于braswell model,必须要刷一个固件才可以:mrchromeboxa




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keycode 133 = Super_L
keycode 72  = Page_Up
keycode 73  = Page_Down