【施工中】MIT 6.828 lab 3: User Environments


Part A: User Environments and Exception Handling

查看 kern/env.c文件,看到三个全局变量:

1    struct Env *envs = NULL;		// All environments
2    struct Env *curenv = NULL;		// The current env
3    static struct Env *env_free_list;	// Free environment list

envs会在JOS启动后会指向一个Env structures的数组,表示JOS中的全部environments. 理论上,JOS kernel最多能支持NENV个同时运行的environments. 但是实际上不会远不会达到这个数量.

env_free_list是一个链表结构,用来存放当前没有在运行的Env structure.. 和page_free_list 类似.



 2    /* See COPYRIGHT for copyright information. */
 4    #ifndef JOS_INC_ENV_H
 5    #define JOS_INC_ENV_H
 7    #include <inc/types.h>
 8    #include <inc/trap.h>
 9    #include <inc/memlayout.h>
11    typedef int32_t envid_t;
13    // An environment ID 'envid_t' has three parts:
14    //
15    // +1+---------------21-----------------+--------10--------+
16    // |0|          Uniqueifier             |   Environment    |
17    // | |                                  |      Index       |
18    // +------------------------------------+------------------+
19    //                                       \--- ENVX(eid) --/
20    //
21    // The environment index ENVX(eid) equals the environment's index in the
22    // 'envs[]' array.  The uniqueifier distinguishes environments that were
23    // created at different times, but share the same environment index.
24    //
25    // All real environments are greater than 0 (so the sign bit is zero).
26    // envid_ts less than 0 signify errors.  The envid_t == 0 is special, and
27    // stands for the current environment.
29    #define LOG2NENV		10
30    #define NENV			(1 << LOG2NENV)
31    #define ENVX(envid)		((envid) & (NENV - 1))
33    // Values of env_status in struct Env
34    enum {
35    	ENV_FREE = 0,
36    	ENV_DYING,
40    };
42    // Special environment types
43    enum EnvType {
44    	ENV_TYPE_USER = 0,
45    };
47    struct Env {
48    	struct Trapframe env_tf;	// Saved registers
49    	struct Env *env_link;		// Next free Env
50    	envid_t env_id;			// Unique environment identifier
51    	envid_t env_parent_id;		// env_id of this env's parent
52    	enum EnvType env_type;		// Indicates special system environments
53    	unsigned env_status;		// Status of the environment
54    	uint32_t env_runs;		// Number of times environment has run
56    	// Address space
57    	pde_t *env_pgdir;		// Kernel virtual address of page dir
58    };
60    #endif // !JOS_INC_ENV_H
  * **env_tf**: 用来在切换环境时保存各种register的值,以便之后恢复现场.
  * **env_link**: 用于构成一个链表结构,指向喜爱一个空闲的 environment.
  * **env_id**: 用于唯一标识使用当前这个Env structure(也就是envs数组中的某个位置)的environment的ID.当这个environment终止时,**envs数组中的用一个位置可能会被re-allocate一个新的environment,但是env_id是不同的.**虽然env_id不同,但是env_id的最后10bit是用来标识在envs的下标的,如果使用的是envs数组中的同一个位置,这部分是相同的.具体可以参考inc/env.h.
  * **env_parent_id**: 创建这个environment的environment 的env_id. 就是父进程id...
  * **env_type:  **用于区分不同种类的环境.对于大部分环境,类型都是**ENV_TYPE_USER.******
  * **env_status**: 用来标识当前这个environment的状态.

    * ENV_FREE: 标识一个environment是inactive的,因此在env_free_list上.
    * ENV_RUNNABLE: 标识一个environment等待运行在处理器上.
    * ENV_RUNNING:标识正在运行
    * ENV_NOT_RUNNABLE: 标识一个目前active的环境,但是没有准备好运行,原因可能是正在等待一个其他environment的交互.
    * ENV_DYING: 可以类比"僵尸进程"

  * **env_pgdir: 当前这个environment的page directory.**

Allocating the Environments Array

Modify `mem_init()` in kern/pmap.c to allocate and map the `envs` array. This array consists of exactly `NENV` instances of the `Env` structure allocated much like how you allocated the `pages` array. Also like the `pages` array, the memory backing `envs`should also be mapped user read-only at `UENVS` (defined in inc/memlayout.h) so user processes can read from this array.

You should run your code and make sure check_kern_pgdir() succeeds.


envs = (struct Env *)boot_alloc(sizeof(struct Env*)*NENV);


Creating and Running Environments



In the file env.c, finish coding the following functions:
    Initialize all of the `Env` structures in the `envs` array and add them to the `env_free_list`. Also calls `env_init_percpu`, which configures the segmentation hardware with separate segments for privilege level 0 (kernel) and privilege level 3 (user).
    Allocate a page directory for a new environment and initialize the kernel portion of the new environment's address space.
    Allocates and maps physical memory for an environment
    You will need to parse an ELF binary image, much like the boot loader already does, and load its contents into the user address space of a new environment.
    Allocate an environment with `env_alloc` and call `load_icode` to load an ELF binary into it.
    Start a given environment running in user mode.

As you write these functions, you might find the new cprintf verb %e useful -- it prints a description corresponding to an error code. For example,

	r = -E_NO_MEM;
	panic("env_alloc: %e", r);

will panic with the message "env_alloc: out of memory".

env_init()是这些函数中最简单的一个,只需要注意为了保证env_free_list的顺序和envs array的相同,需要倒序遍历.

// Mark all environments in 'envs' as free, set their env_ids to 0,
// and insert them into the env_free_list.
// Make sure the environments are in the free list in the same order
// they are in the envs array (i.e., so that the first call to
// env_alloc() returns envs[0]).
	// Set up envs array
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	cprintf("env_init start\n");
	for ( int i = NENV-1 ; i >= 0 ;  i--)
		envs[i].env_id = 0;
		envs[i].env_status = ENV_FREE;
		envs[i].env_link = env_free_list;
		env_free_list = &envs[i];

	// Per-CPU part of the initialization
	cprintf("env_init before init_precpu\n");
	cprintf("env_init end\n");

接下来看env_setup_vm函数,作用是为新的environment初始化一个page directory. 每个environment都有一个自己的page directory.

注释里提示用kern_pgdir作为一个template... 说实话完全没get到含义...查阅资料发现其实就是...copy过来的意思...orz  注意头文件string.h中可能有些有用的函数,比如memcpy

// Initialize the kernel virtual memory layout for environment e.
// Allocate a page directory, set e->env_pgdir accordingly,
// and initialize the kernel portion of the new environment's address space.
// Do NOT (yet) map anything into the user portion
// of the environment's virtual address space.
// Returns 0 on success, < 0 on error.  Errors include:
//	-E_NO_MEM if page directory or table could not be allocated.
static int
env_setup_vm(struct Env *e)

	cprintf("env_setup_vm start\n");
	int i;
	struct PageInfo *p = NULL;

	// Allocate a page for the page directory
	if (!(p = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO)))
		return -E_NO_MEM;

	// Now, set e->env_pgdir and initialize the page directory.
	// Hint:
	//    - The VA space of all envs is identical above UTOP
	//	(except at UVPT, which we've set below).
	//	See inc/memlayout.h for permissions and layout.
	//	Can you use kern_pgdir as a template?  Hint: Yes.
	//	(Make sure you got the permissions right in Lab 2.)
	//    - The initial VA below UTOP is empty.
	//    - You do not need to make any more calls to page_alloc.
	//    - Note: In general, pp_ref is not maintained for
	//	physical pages mapped only above UTOP, but env_pgdir
	//	is an exception -- you need to increment env_pgdir's
	//	pp_ref for env_free to work correctly.
	//    - The functions in kern/pmap.h are handy.

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	// 去看一下string.h,里面有些函数可能有用
	e->env_pgdir = (pde_t *)KADDR(page2pa(p));
	// 不知道有memcpy函数可以用...orz

	cprintf("PA e->env_pgdir:x\n",PADDR(e->env_pgdir));
	// UVPT maps the env's own page table read-only.
	// Permissions: kernel R, user R
	e->env_pgdir[PDX(UVPT)] = PADDR(e->env_pgdir) | PTE_P | PTE_U;
	cprintf("env_setup_vim  end\n");

	return 0;


// Allocate len bytes of physical memory for environment env,
// and map it at virtual address va in the environment's address space.
// Does not zero or otherwise initialize the mapped pages in any way.
// Pages should be writable by user and kernel.
// Panic if any allocation attempt fails.
static void
region_alloc(struct Env *e, void *va, size_t len)
	cprintf("region_alloc start\n");
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	// (But only if you need it for load_icode.)
	// use page_insert
	uintptr_t VA = ROUNDDOWN((uintptr_t)va,PGSIZE);
	uintptr_t VA_end = ROUNDUP((uintptr_t)(va + len),PGSIZE);
	struct PageInfo *pginfo = NULL;
	for (; VA < VA_end ; VA+=PGSIZE)
		if (!(pginfo=page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO)))
			panic("page_alloc in region_alloc failed!");
		int ret = page_insert(e->env_pgdir, pginfo, (void *)VA, PTE_U | PTE_W | PTE_P);
		if (ret)
			panic("page insert failed %e",ret);
	cprintf("rgion_alloc end\n");
	// Hint: It is easier to use region_alloc if the caller can pass
	//   'va' and 'len' values that are not page-aligned.
	//   You should round va down, and round (va + len) up.
	//   (Watch out for corner-cases!)


这个函数是相对比较难实现的一个,可以参考boot/main.c中boot loader加载 kernel image的过程.区别在于,boot loader是从disk中加载kernel image,而load_icode()要加载的二进制文件已经在memory中了.

实现参考lab3 抢占式调度

主要的难点在于在load program segment的时候,是load到user的environment,因此需要在load之前使用lcr3指令切换到当前environment的page dir.

以及在指定完program的entry point之后,需要将page dir切换回kern_pgdir


// Set up the initial program binary, stack, and processor flags
// for a user process.
// This function is ONLY called during kernel initialization,
// before running the first user-mode environment.
// This function loads all loadable segments from the ELF binary image
// into the environment's user memory, starting at the appropriate
// virtual addresses indicated in the ELF program header.
// At the same time it clears to zero any portions of these segments
// that are marked in the program header as being mapped
// but not actually present in the ELF file - i.e., the program's bss section.
// All this is very similar to what our boot loader does, except the boot
// loader also needs to read the code from disk.  Take a look at
// boot/main.c to get ideas.
// Finally, this function maps one page for the program's initial stack.
// load_icode panics if it encounters problems.
//  - How might load_icode fail?  What might be wrong with the given input?
static void
load_icode(struct Env *e, uint8_t *binary)
	cprintf("load icode start\n");
	// Hints:
	//  Load each program segment into virtual memory
	//  at the address specified in the ELF segment header.
	//  You should only load segments with ph->p_type == ELF_PROG_LOAD.
	//  Each segment's virtual address can be found in ph->p_va
	//  and its size in memory can be found in ph->p_memsz.
	//  The ph->p_filesz bytes from the ELF binary, starting at
	//  'binary + ph->p_offset', should be copied to virtual address
	//  ph->p_va.  Any remaining memory bytes should be cleared to zero.
	//  (The ELF header should have ph->p_filesz <= ph->p_memsz.)
	//  Use functions from the previous lab to allocate and map pages.
	//	question: how to copy memory?   for-loop and assgin?
	//	// no! use memcpy in string.h
	//  All page protection bits should be user read/write for now.
	//  ELF segments are not necessarily page-aligned, but you can
	//  assume for this function that no two segments will touch
	//  the same virtual page.
	//  You may find a function like region_alloc useful.
	//  Q: how to use region_alloc? 
	//  Loading the segments is much simpler if you can move data
	//  directly into the virtual addresses stored in the ELF binary.
	//  So which page directory should be in force during
	//  this function?
	//  You must also do something with the program's entry point,
	//  to make sure that the environment starts executing there.
	//  What?  (See env_run() and env_pop_tf() below.)

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	struct Elf * elf = (struct Elf *)binary;
	cprintf("elf->e_magic :x\n",elf->e_magic);
	if (elf->e_magic != ELF_MAGIC)
		panic("invalid ELF file!");
	struct Proghdr *ph,*eph;
	ph = (struct Proghdr *)((uint8_t *)elf + elf->e_phoff);
	eph = ph + elf->e_phnum;
	cprintf("ph: x  eph:x\n",ph,eph);
	cprintf("binary:x p_offset:x filesz:x\n",binary,ph->p_offset,ph->p_filesz);
	for (; ph < eph ; ph++)
		//cprintf("ph->ptype: %d\n",ph->p_type);
		// ph->ptype should be 1 instead of 0 .
		if (ph->p_type != ELF_PROG_LOAD) continue;
		uint8_t * src = binary + ph->p_offset;
		uint8_t * dst  =  (uint8_t *)ph->p_va;
		region_alloc(e,(void *)dst, ph->p_memsz);
		// use memcpy .
		memset(dst  + ph->p_filesz, 0, ph->p_memsz - ph->p_filesz);
	e->env_tf.tf_eip = elf->e_entry;
	// lcr3 is too hard for me...

	cprintf("load_icode before env_run\n");	

	// Now map one page for the program's initial stack
	// at virtual address USTACKTOP - PGSIZE.
	region_alloc(e, (void*)(USTACKTOP - PGSIZE), PGSIZE);
	// LAB 3: Your code here.


// Allocates a new env with env_alloc, loads the named elf
// binary into it with load_icode, and sets its env_type.
// This function is ONLY called during kernel initialization,
// before running the first user-mode environment.
// The new env's parent ID is set to 0.
env_create(uint8_t *binary, enum EnvType type)
	cprintf("env_create start\n");
	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	struct Env *env;
	int ret = env_alloc( &env, 0);
	if (ret)
		panic("env_alloc:%e", ret);
	cprintf("env_create before load_icode\n");

	env->env_type = type;
	load_icode(env, binary);



// Context switch from curenv to env e.
// Note: if this is the first call to env_run, curenv is NULL.
// This function does not return.
void env_run(struct Env *e)
	cprintf("env_run start\n");
	// Step 1: If this is a context switch (a new environment is running):
	//	   1. Set the current environment (if any) back to
	//	      ENV_RUNNABLE if it is ENV_RUNNING (think about
	//	      what other states it can be in),
	//	   2. Set 'curenv' to the new environment,
	//	   3. Set its status to ENV_RUNNING,
	//	   4. Update its 'env_runs' counter,
	//	   5. Use lcr3() to switch to its address space.
	// Step 2: Use env_pop_tf() to restore the environment's
	//	   registers and drop into user mode in the
	//	   environment.

	// Hint: This function loads the new environment's state from
	//	e->env_tf.  Go back through the code you wrote above
	//	and make sure you have set the relevant parts of
	//	e->env_tf to sensible values.

	// LAB 3: Your code here.
	if (curenv && curenv->env_status == ENV_RUNNING)
		curenv->env_status = ENV_RUNNABLE;
	cprintf("miao 1 in env_run\n");
	curenv = e;
	curenv->env_status = ENV_RUNNING;
	cprintf(" miao 2 in env_run\n");
	// env_pgdir[0] == 0, which is wrong.
	cprintf("env_run curenv->env_pgdir :x\n", curenv->env_pgdir[PDX(UVPT)]);
	cprintf("miao 3 in env_run\n");

	cprintf("miao 4 in env_run\n");

	panic("env_run not yet implemented");

代码实现完了,但是发现直接crash了..显示triple fault

不要慌,问题不大.这是因为JOS目前还没有允许user space转化到kernel的机制,因此抛出了"general protection exception" . 然后JOS也处理不了抛出的"general protection exception",因此再次抛出异常. 最后以抛出triple fault结束.


方式是使用gdb,在kern/env.c的env_pop_tf函数上设置断点.该函数是进入user mode之前运行的最好一个函数.然后单步发现运行的恰好是lib/entry.S中start label后的几个

#include <inc/mmu.h>
#include <inc/memlayout.h>

// Define the global symbols 'envs', 'pages', 'uvpt', and 'uvpd'
// so that they can be used in C as if they were ordinary global arrays.
	.globl envs
	.set envs, UENVS
	.globl pages
	.set pages, UPAGES
	.globl uvpt
	.set uvpt, UVPT
	.globl uvpd
	.set uvpd, (UVPT+(UVPT>>12)*4)

// Entrypoint - this is where the kernel (or our parent environment)
// starts us running when we are initially loaded into a new environment.
.globl _start
	// See if we were started with arguments on the stack
	cmpl $USTACKTOP, %esp
	jne args_exist

	// If not, push dummy argc/argv arguments.
	// This happens when we are loaded by the kernel,
	// because the kernel does not know about passing arguments.
	pushl $0
	pushl $0

	call libmain
1:	jmp 1b

然后查看obj/user/hello.asm 文件,找到sys_cputs()函数中的 int $0x30指令(在第1934行左右),该指令对应的user-space address是0x00800add

在该地址处设置断点,如果可以顺利执行到 0x800add: int $0x30   ,说明之前的实现没有问题.